
God forbids injustice. It's in the Bible, Deuteronomy 16:19, NIV. "Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous."

God is tired of our injustice. It's in the Bible, Habakkuk 1:3, NIV. "Why do You make me look at injustice? Why do You tolerate wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds."

Overcome evil injustice with good. It's in the Bible, Romans 12:21, TLB. "Don't let evil get the upper hand but conquer evil by doing good."

Family Life 2013 dinner

Our Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

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My Whole Life

I was born to reflect the image of a God who is powerful enough to create my universe, attentive enough to hear my prayers and loving enough to be defined by self-sacrifice. I find my greatest fulfillment on a journey toward purpose and wholeness.


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