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Youth Day 2013


 ‘Becoming God’s Masterpiece’ was the theme of the Marsh Harbour SDA Church’s first Youth Day of 2013. On Sabbath March 9, the Youth took the helm during all the services of the Church and once again demonstrated that they are willing and capable of leading out in God’s work. During the Sabbath School, whose main feature was a skit, and the Divine Worship Service, the congregation was exhorted to be still as God does His perfecting work in each of us. The sermon was delivered by Ms. Shanquel Reckley, Youth Director,


We traveled back in time during the Adventist Youth hour, to hear interviews with King Moses, Joseph, Rahab and even Mary Magdalene. There were moving testimonies in song from ‘King David’ and from the ‘Woman with the issue of blood’. All the guests were able to show that even though they were sinful and unworthy, God patiently molded them each into a unique masterpiece for His glory. In reality, He is more than able to accomplish the same in us.


A Social was the final event of this high day organized by the youth. We all anxiously wait to see what amazing things the Lord will accomplish through them in 2013.

Convention 2013 in Abaco


Convention 2013 for the North Bahamas Mission began on a high note on Friday, January 11, as everyone converged upon the Marsh Harbour SDA church for an evening of praise and preaching. After greetings from the Mission Administration, Pastor Laurent S. Grosvenor, guest speaker for the weekend stepped forward to deliver an unforgettable discourse based on Nehemiah 6.

In this power-packed message, we were reminded that Nehemiah refused to come down from the position of responsibility that God had given to him. We also learned from Nehemiah’s experience on the wall that ‘discernment is inextricably linked to destiny’, that we are to handle elevation responsibly, and that we will have critics mostly made up of those who don’t understand God’s calling on our lives. If we pray, God will strengthen our hand as He did Nehemiah’s.

After such a start, hearts were eager for a word from the Lord and the sanctuary was filled to capacity on Sabbath morning. In Sabbath School, testimonies and songs of God’s transforming grace, prepared the way for an even higher experience with the Lord in the 11 O’ Clock hour. Pastor Grosvenor cautioned us not to be ‘Prais-ers’ if we are not ‘Pray-ers.’ Prayer life, he said, is intended to ‘energize’ our praise life. ‘Men aught always to pray and faint not.’

The service ended with a prayer of recommitment for all present and fittingly the day ended with a service of ordination for Elders and Deacons in the Abaco district of Churches. It is our prayer that after such a weekend, that all involved have been transformed by His grace!


 Hurricane Sandy in The Abacos

The Pastors and membership of the Abaco District of Churches have much to be grateful for in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Although the wind gusts from Sandy had been felt since Tuesday, October 23 and still continue, there is only major damage to vegetation. Marsh Harbour proper experienced the usual flooding, leaving the Marsh Harbour SDA church building inaccessible for Sabbath services. There was no interior damage to the church. The flooding also left many members who reside in The Mudd without a safe place to stay, and without a place to worship since the Salem building was flooded out.

Although there were no meetings in the church building, small groups of member got together to have Sabbath School. With no loss of life and minor damage to property, the focus is now on giving thanks and working together to rebuild and move forward.



Elders' Certification Seminar

The Elders from the Abaco District of Churches along with Pastors Ashton McFall and Patrick Tyrill attended their third in a series of Elder’s Certification Seminars held at the Marsh Harbout SDA Church. The Seminar, lead by Dr. Leonard Johnson, President of ACUM, was held on June 29-30.

In the first session, Elders were reminded of the qualities that an elder of the Seventh day Adventist Church should have. Dr. Johnson also took time to outline the hierarchy of leaders from the local church up to the General Conference level.

On Sabbath afternoon, the elders were admonished not to get caught up in selfish motives or abuse their God given authority in any way. The duty of an elder is to assist the Pastor and give unselfish service to the members of their local congregation. Dr. Johnson reiterated the importance of being well versed in the Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and reminded the elders to be tactful when studying with unbelievers, putting ‘salvation’, not ‘Sabbath’ at the forefront.

When the sessions came to a close, the elders left motivated to lead by example and to take their responsibility as elders to a new level.

Mother's Day Dinner

The Men of the Marsh Harbour SDA Church have done it once again! On the afternoon of Sunday May 13, 2012, the Mothers of the Church were escorted into a beautifully decorated dinner hall for an evening of entertainment and fine dining. Pains were taken to ensure that the ambiance was just right and the meal, prepared by the men, was nothing short of delectable! After being comfortably seated, the mothers were serenaded, treated to stand up comedy and tributes were given by the children of the church. The unforgetable evening came to an end after the Mothers were showered with gifts and lots of love!

Youth Day 2012

On Sabbath March 17, 2012, an army of youth, able and rightly trained, took over services at the Marsh Harbour SDA Church. Under the theme, 'How Great is Our God', the youth led in a high experience of worship, especially in the Divine hour. Songs of praise, lauding Jehovah for being incomparable in power and might, rang through the air as the Youth Choir praised Him unashamedly.  We were taken even higher still by the three short sermons by Allaire Johnson, Lashad Joseph and Alton Pubien. Each highlighted great works of the Lord, past and present. Indeed, there is none greater than He and no other worthy of praise, glory and honor.


The Lord has called the youth because they are strong, the word of God abides in them, and because they have overcome the wicked one (1 John 2:14).  They appreciated the opportunity to show that God can used them in mighty ways to advance His Kingdom



Family Life Couples Dinner

On Sunday February 26, 2012, the married couples of the Marsh Harbour SDA Church along with one guest couple, met at Mangoes Restaurant for an evening of fine dining. The event was coordinated by the Family Life Department, headed by Marvin and Yaneek Sands. The main feature of the evening, apart from the delicious meal, was a session of heartfelt expression of love as each couple introduced his or her spouse. The Adventist Men serenaded and served the ladies of the Church. What an evening it was! Engraved upon our memories and hopefully to be repeated often!


Go One Million Week

Pastor Peter Kerr, Administrative Secretary of the Atlantic Caribbean Union Mission, was the ‘Go One Million‘ speaker to the Marsh Harbour SDA Church.  For the entire week, February 11 through the 19th, the Holy Spirit moved through the humble and pragmatic speaker to bless and revive every member in attendance.

Fittingly, the meetings began with a day of prayer and fasting.  This humbling experience was a reminder that we are all equal at the foot of the cross and that only as we abandon self can we be filled with God’s Spirit. For the steady stream of visitors, the week brought admonitions about the identity of the Holy Spirit, the power and promises contained in the Bible, and of course on Valentine’s Day, we received ‘Flowers from My Valentine’. The children were especially blessed this week by Pastor Kerr’s friendly and gentle society. Many of them gave their hearts to the Lord and are being prepared for baptism. On Sabbath past, all of Heaven rejoiced as eight (8) precious souls were added to the Lord’s Family.

Family Life 2013 dinner


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'Go One Million' Week - February 2012

Convention 2013

Sabbath Time

Place: Marsh Harbour, Abaco

Start: 05:51 PM, 02/21/2025

End: 05:52 PM, 02/22/2025

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Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

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